The Green side
of the QSAs

Find out how we will be working towards reducing
the carbon footprint of this year’s event

We've signed the sustainable recruitment alliance pledge and have committed ourselves to reducing the carbon footprint of this event.

How have we done this?

  • Our venue has been selected, in part, due to its close proximity to public transport links and accommodation.

  • We are using Stripe to collect ticket payments enabling us to contribute 1% of ticket revenue towards removing CO₂ from the atmosphere.

  • We have worked with Sustainable Medals, a family run business born out of the pandemic in 2021, for the second year. They are on a mission to offer a sustainable and economic alternative to metal and enamel medals procured from China. Medals have been designed and made in their workshop in Kent and are made from FSC certified wood.

  • We have created digital alternatives to reduce printing, including the evening's programme which will be accessed by guests using a QR code.

  • Where order printing we will ensure that paper stocks are recyclable and/or FSC certified.

  • Zero plastics will be used to serve drinks.

  • Banners used across the venue have been carefully designed and/or purchased so that the majority of them can be re-used in future QSA events. For example this evening’s stage and pink carpet backdrops are made from fabric which can be re-purposed in use, with the the frame re-used every year.

  • This year’s menu will be exclusively vegan to ensure we being kinder to animals, to people and to our planet's future. 

  • We will be working closely with guests and our caterers to ensure that food wastage is minimised, with excess food taken to a local homeless shelter in Birmingham on Thursday 27th June.

  • We will be estimating the carbon footprint created by the energy and resources used to host the event and calculating their potential environmental impact so that we can work towards achieving a negative footprint - putting back more than the have used.

  • Following the awards we will be encouraging guests who attended to offset their own carbon footprint which could have been created by travelling to and from the event.