4 things you can do to support trans people right now

Yesterday I met a young transgender person on the train who told me that they had been prepared to stand for their entire journey (of over an hour) despite there being empty seats next to people throughout the carriage in which I was sat.

They had stopped at my seat and asked if the seat was taken because I was wearing this badge created by illustrator and author Dominic Evans. As we chatted it became apparent that they felt unsafe, and throughout the journey I noticed them flinching and looking visibly nervous every time someone walked past the seats we shared.

The conversations regarding transgender people in the media right now, fuelled by our Prime Minister and Health Secretary’s attitudes towards their rights and insistence on pursuing a partial ban on conversion therapy are understandably causing distress amongst the transgender community. It broke my heart to see someone so visibly scared of those around them.

Transgender rights are human rights, and whilst it’s important that all voices are heard in any debate, I believe it is more pertinent right now that we seek to protect ALL citizens from such abhorrent (as described by Boris Johnson himself in 2020) practices such as conversion therapy. There should be no exceptions.

Transgender people need those of us who proclaim to be allies to stand up and fight alongside them, so I would ask that you consider the following actions:

1. Email your MP (using this form created by Mermiads) and ask them to support a trans-inclusive ban on conversion therapy

2. Sign this petition which has almost reached 40,000 signatures

3. Join the protest taking place at 1pm on Sunday (10 April) in London

4. Buy one of the DOM&INK ‘Safe with Me’ 3 pin charity sets from Gay Pride Shop UK. and wear these badges, particularly the trans badge at this time, to create safe spaces for queer people. All the profits from this 3 badge set are being donated to Kaleidoscope International Trust - a UK based charity who work to uphold the humans rights of LGBTQ+ people across the whole Commonwealth.

Transgender people need our support. Please do not turn and look the other way as so many people clearly must have done on that train yesterday.

Thanking you queerly,

Steve, QSA Founder and Event Director


7 Lesbian Career Stories


Allyship must start with the senior leadership team